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I lived for several years in the United States, found that most Americans have never been to China, accepted all the Western media that some of China's negative publicity. And I think, even though we have the louis vuitton outlet store internet, exchange and communication between the West has very one-sided. Why do you think this is? Evan Osnos: I think the United States is now actually somewhat fragile. In both economically and politically somewhat fragile, we look around and see who has more energy around, who's the fastest growing. Naturally, we see the Chinese. I think there is an example, it can represent some American mentality. The original "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" This book just came out, the United States in an uproar. On the one hand, we feel that this method of education is too powerful. On the other hand, the authors also suffered a violent attack, that tiger mother does not respect the child, and excessive control. This feeling is a very strange combination. U.S. attitude Louis Vuitton Handbags toward China on the one hand very respected, on the one hand there is fear, and finally some angry. You know, in my observation, Chinese attitudes toward the United States is also the case.
So, I often American friends say Louis Vuitton Luggage is that if you really want to understand China. The only way is to go there. In fact, to fly from New York to Beijing to spend twice as much time to fly to Los Angeles just in New York. I say to Americans, you go to China, you can
Louis Vuitton Wallets understand why it is that some of the policies introduced and implemented. Sina: Now how do you think the U.S. "exceptionalism"? The famous American director Oliver - Stone very hated "exceptionalism" throughout the history of education in the United States, more hate "exceptionalism" itself. How about you? Evan Osnos: In this regard, I have a different point of view. I do not hate "exceptionalism." On the contrary, I believe that China has "exceptionalism", since the Middle Ages, the Chinese think they have been very strong. US reason that opponents to each other, in fact, we have a similar vision to look at each other.
What do you think should be how to promote understanding in the West? Interviewer: I think a lot of reporters on the ordinary people are now trying to describe, to show a real country. Of course I am "ambition Times" also wrote political. But Louis Vuitton Sunglasses I also describe a lot of ordinary people. Through the lives of ordinary people, we can better introduce the country. I think the biggest barrier to understanding between East and West are: abstraction. Sino-US ordinary people, lift the other side of the country, most of them only an abstract picture. And we can do is put his figurative. I'm in the "ambition China" has just begun the first chapter, I wrote a very fire in China's TV series "Detective Hunt", so all of a sudden American readers will be very identity, and understand why "Detective Henry special "will make Chinese people feel very interested.
IMHO, I think the characters of the book are selected relatively extreme example, do you think these examples can truly representative of China? Evan Osnos: As a storyteller. I instinctively go tell those richer storyline and has extensive experience of people. I can not be like that sampling sociologists, statisticians or mathematicians. I might Louis Vuitton Shoes select a curve two people, because of their experience to attract readers. Over the past couple of months, you are in for "ambition age" to accept various interviews. Americans ask you what is the most problems? Most Americans ask me the question is: Why are you so interested in China? The answer is that in my lifetime, I believe that China and the United States could become the world's most important country, I need to know about them. US diplomatic waves often, but I want to help Americans see that they now have a lot of ordinary people in China the same place: the same basic family, education, health and dignity.

