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Ukraine's presidential election is over, a Ukrainian tycoon polo draws is likely to be elected.So, what does it mean in the election?Polo draws the difficulties faced by Louis Vuitton Shoes election?Russia today 24 published stories, do a prospective analysis. According to the article, the downfall of former Ukrainian President viktor yanukovich, is the extreme nationalist coups and Ukraine.Since then, the development situation in Ukraine as a tragedy, the Crimean into Russia, eastern region autonomy referendum, economy rapidly deteriorating.The article further pointed out that Ukraine's presidential election is the west Louis Vuitton Sunglasses and Ukraine's pro-western forces in order to legalise the coup and held in a hurry, no legitimacy, Ukraine's constitutional legal order had been destroyed, the night of the coup, the election is a farce.
According to the article, even if the polo draws, turmoil in the east and south, relations with Russia are not he faces the biggest political issue.He is the biggest political question, deal with the relationship between the extreme nationalist forces, which makes him into a dilemma.Presidential election does not mean the end of the solution of the crisis, it could lead to a crisis deepened. The author Peter ravel, Russia today television host "CrossTalk" political debate show. What's the meaning of this election in Ukraine?What is the challenge for the Louis Vuitton Wallets new President?The New York times editorial on 20th, do the analysis. Editorial thought, Ukraine's presidential election is very important.Election must be accepted by all parties so that Russia will stop said Ukraine's interim government to outlaw regimes, the new President also can begin to repair the social and economic damage to the Ukraine in recent months.However, unless the new President to solve deep-rooted corruption and nepotism in Ukraine, the election won't be able to solve the problem of Ukraine.
Editorial thought, polo draws is likely to be elected.Polo draws pro-western, political experience, participated in Kiev's independence square protests, should be a good President.But, given the polo draws in Ukraine oligarchic group, also does not rule out the possibility of business as usual after he took office.Editorial hope polo draws to realize controlled by Russia and Ukraine oligarchic groups of maintainability, really break the past corruption, a starting point of Louis Vuitton Luggage the "clean" to Ukraine. The Thai military coup took place in a few days ago, elected government officials detained, independent media were shut down.Military leaders, general prayuth said the move is to restore order.Really?The Washington post editorial on 23, do the analysis. Editorial points out, Thailand's army is not an impartial mediator between factions and political power.It is a kind of political power, long opposed to former Louis Vuitton Handbags prime minister thaksin shinawatra, led by the political parties and the pro-thaksin factions in northern farmers class, but can't stop him credit group continuously in a fair election.
Editorial said the United States for Thailand's response, is far better than to Egypt coup response, not only directly referred to as a coup, also announced some measures quickly.Article called on the us government said the Thai military, unless in the traditional Thai force and thaksin group reconciliation, consider the real benefit of Mr Thaksin's supporters, otherwise the coup would lead to a civil war. The Thai military coup last week, took over the state power.Thailand's national newspaper 23 published stories, made analysis of the coup. The article points out that before the coup, Thailand has been Mired in six months of louis vuitton outlet store political crisis.Coup occurred because the Thai politicians cannot resolve differences through the normal way.Since the military staged a coup, can't waste this opportunity, and to promote real and comprehensive reform.This requires that each party differences, agreement, and realize the parties accept the election at a time.

